Dante is a passionate, fun-filled, creative, and multi-talented man in the holistic healing arts. His philosophy is that the body has innate wisdom within itself, and the tools and services he provides will change your neuro-somatic body to heal. Dante teaches meditation, yoga, and qi gong classes and performs crystal and Tibetan Sound Concerts. 2016 is when he received his 200-hour Yoga Certification, and 2020 is when he finished his 300 Hour Certification program. Dante has worked with children since 2007 at the YMCA, teaching kids kickboxing to facilitate P.E class for Pinnacle Elementary School. Dante facilitates sound meditation events across the east coast in yoga studios, holistic wellness facilities, festivals, and corporate settings. He has a unique style that combines the use of crystal bowls, Tibetan metal bowls, wooden and metal chimes, and polyphonic throat singing.
Dante Baker
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